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LabView - distribution automne 2010

Le DIT vous conseille pour vos acquisitions de données, LabVIEW...

ATTENTION: c'est seulement pour le site de l'EPFL, et NON pour l'extérieur...

Pour commander LabVIEW,connaître le chemin d'installation exact et le code de licence, veuillez utiliser le service Distrilog SVP.

Contenu de cette Distribution :

Installation Instructions
  • Please install software, as necessary, in the following order :
    1. Software from the LabVIEW core DVDs
    2. Software from the Extended Developement Suite DVD
    3. Software from other Academic Site license options :
      1. Signal Processing and communication option
      2. Control and embedded system option
      3. Circuit Design and simulation software
    4. NI Device Drivers
  • Product activation
    You can choose from severals ways to activate your software. When you launch the product after installation, a dialog box alerts you that activation is required to use the release version of the software, as well as the steps necessary for activation. If you cannot activate immediately, the software run in evaluation mode. For more information on software activation, refer to the activation instructions included with the product or visit http://ni.com/activate
DISK #501448J-01 :
NI LabVIEW Core PDS Software, DVD1
English, French, German and misc. asiatic languages
Note : only english can be installed in EPFL !
Windows XP/Vista/Win7 (New or updated product checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- LabVIEW Professional Development System (PDS) for Windows v2010 (ƒ)

DISK #501448J-02 :
NI LabVIEW Core PDS Software, DVD2
Windows XP/Vista/Win7 (New or updated product checked with a ƒ)

Distribution server : OLYMPE
Must install LabVIEW core software first!
- LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW MathScript RT Module v2010 (ƒ)
- NI Vision Development Module 2010 (ƒ)
- Vision Builder for Automatic Inspection 2009 SP1
- LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Modulation Toolkit 4.2.1 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW System Identification Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Report Generation for MS Office Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW LEGO® MINDSTORMS NXT Module v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Datafinder Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Internet Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- NI LabVIEW Signal Express v2010 (ƒ)
- LabView Basics 1 Computer Based Training
- LabView Basics 2 Computer Based Training

DISK #501448J-03 :
LabVIEW Option Components
Windows XP/Vista/Win7 (New or updated product checked with a ƒ)

Distribution server : OLYMPE
Must install LabVIEW core software first!
- LabVIEW FGPA v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW RealTime Module (ETS) v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Statechart Module v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Mobile Module v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory control module v2010 (ƒ)
- NI SoftMotion Development Module v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit v 2010 (ƒ)
- NI Real Time Execution Trace Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Touch Panel Module v2010 (ƒ)
. LabVIEW Robotics Module v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW VeriStand v2010 (ƒ)
- NI Motion Assistant 2.6 (ƒ)
- NI-DAQmx Base 3.4 (ƒ)

DISK #501448J-04 :
Signal Processing and Communication Option Components
Windows XP/Vista/Win7 (New or updated product checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
Must install LabVIEW core software first!
- LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Spectral Measurement Toolkit 2.5.1
- LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing toolkit v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Adaptive Filter Toolkit v2010 (ƒ)

DISK #501448J-05 :
Extended Development Suite
Windows XP/Vista/Win7 (New or updated product checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- LabWindows CVI Full Development System 2009SP1 (ƒ)

- LabWindows CVI RealTime module 2009
- LabWindows CVI PID Control Toolkit 2.1
- LabWindows CVI Signal Processing Toolkit 7.0.2
- LabWindows CVI SQL Toolkit 2.2 (ƒ)
- LabWindows CVI Spectral Measurement Toolkit 2.5.1
- Measurement Studio Enterprise Edition 2009
- Measurement Studio Enterprise Edition for MS Visual Studio 6 : 8.1.2
- DIAdem Professional 2010 (ƒ)

DISK #501448J-06 :
LabVIEW Professional Development System (PDS)
Mac OS X 10.4 or later (New or updated product checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : CYCLOPE and OLYMPE
- LabVIEW PDS for Mac OS v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation for Mac OS and Linux v2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Internet Toolkit for Mac OS 6.0.2
- LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit for Mac OS v 2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW LEGO MINDSTORM NXT Module for MAC OS v2010 (ƒ)
Distribution server : LINUXLINE and OLYMPE
- LabVIEW PDS for Linux 2010 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation for Mac OS and Linux 2010 (ƒ)
Note : A partir de cette version, l'install Linux est fournie uniquement sous la forme d'une image ISO.
Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour graver un DVD ou en montant un DVD virtuel.
(veuillez vous référer aux outils de votre O.S.)

DISK #501667G-01:
LabVIEW Device Drivers
Windows XP/Vista/Win7 (New or updated product checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- CompactRIO 3.5 (ƒ)
- FieldPoint 6.0.7
- IVI Compliance Package 4.2 (ƒ)
- NI-488.2 2.7.3

- NI-845x 1.1.4 (ƒ)
- NI-CAN 2.7.1 (ƒ)
- NI-DAQ Traditionnal (legacy) 7.4.4 (not compatible with Vista/Win7)
- NI-DAQmx 9.1.5(ƒ)
- NI-DCPower 1.4.1
- NI-DMM 3.0.3 (ƒ)
- NI-DNET 1.6.5 (ƒ)
- NI-FGEN 2.7.4 (ƒ)
- NI FlexRIO 1-5 (ƒ)
- NI-HSDIO 1.6.1 (ƒ)
- NI HWS 1.4.0 (ƒ)
- NI Instrument I/O Assistant 2.6.0 (ƒ)
- NI LabVIEW SignalExpress v2010 (ƒ)
- NI-Motion 8.2 (ƒ)
- NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.7 (ƒ)
- NI PXI Platform Services 2.5.6 (ƒ)
- NI-RFSA 2.3.2 (ƒ)
- NI-RFSG 1.6.4 (ƒ)
- NI-RIO 3.5 (ƒ)
- NI-Scope 3.6.2 (ƒ)
- NI-Serial 3.6 (ƒ)
- NI-SWITCH 4.0.2 (ƒ)
- NI-Sync 3.2.1 (ƒ)
- NI System Configuration 1.1 (ƒ)
- NI TimeSync 1.0 (ƒ)
- NI-Visa 5.0 (ƒ)
Video Acquisition software :
- NI-IMAQ 4.5 (ƒ)
- NI-IMAQdx 3.7 (ƒ)
- NI-IMAQ I/O 2.4 (ƒ)

Article N° 302 du 08.09.2010 17:42:13 par Thierry Charles -- Permalink : http://windows.epfl.ch/?article=302
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