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Faire une demande de certificat avec de multiples alias

Il arrive fréquemment de devoir faire une demande de certificat SSL avec plusieurs alias sur le même certificat. Malheureusement, le wizard de demande/renouvellement de certificat d'IIS ne permet pas cette option et il est dispendieux de devoir demander un certificat par alias.

Voici ci-dessous un petit script PowerShell qui permet de créer une demande de certificat (CSR) directement depuis Windows (boite POWERSHELL en mode administrateur) :

Creates a certificate signing request (CSR) file, which can contain aliases (CNames).
- Creates a CSR file for a certificate authority, which includes aliases (CNames).
- Alias names need to be comma separated.
- Run the script on the server that hosts the web service (e.g., IIS), since it needs to access the private key storage.
- This uses certreq.exe to transform the input of this script into a well-formed request file.
- For easy usage, the script exposes only the required and a few popular certutil parameters.
$certReqParams = @{
    FQDN                = servername01.nwtraders.msft
    Aliases             = servername01, devmachine, devmachine.nwtraders.msft,
    DestinationFilePath = C:\Temp
New-CertFileReqWithAlias.ps1 @certReqParams
Requests a certificate for the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the system (e.g., a website or a server)
Length of keys used for encryption; 2048 bits is the standard and default value
.PARAMETER Exportable
Defines exportability of the private key included in the certificate; the default for security reasons is false
.PARAMETER EncryptionAlgorithm
Sets the algorithm used for encryption; the available choices are the most popular according to research
Comma-separated list of alias names (CNames) to include in the certificate;
all names in the list can access the target resource without name-mismatch errors
.PARAMETER DestinationFilePath
Specifies the name and path for the certificate signing request (CSR) file; the name of the CSR file will be FQDN.csr
None--you cannot pipe objects to New-CertReqWithAlias
PKCS10-formatted CSR file
AUTHOR: Ruben Zimmermann @ruben8z
LASTEDIT: 2018-08-27
REQUIRES: PowerShell Version 4, Windows Management Foundation 4, and at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
NAME: New-CertFileReqWithAlias
KEYWORDS: certreq, pki, ca, alias
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [int]$KeyLength = 2048,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [string]$Exportable = 'False',
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    [ValidateSet('Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider',`
    'Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider')]
    [string]$EncryptionAlgorithm = 'Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider',
#region checking_parameters
#Check if the FQDN matches valid syntax
if ($FQDN -notMatch '\w{1,}\.\w{1,}\.?[\w.]*') {
    Write-Warning -Message "The FQDN: $($FQDN) seems to be invalid.`n The expected syntax is host.domain."
#Check if aliases match valid syntax
if ($Aliases -notMatch '[\w\.\s,]{1,}') {
    Write-Warning -Message "Aliases: $($Aliases) don't seem to be valid. Use a comma ',' to separate multiple aliases."
#Check if the destination file path exists
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $DestinationFilePath)) {
    Write-Warning -Message "Path: $($DestinationFilePath) does not exist. Please specify a valid path."
#Check if the specified file path has a training backslash; if not, add it.
if ($DestinationFilePath.Substring($DestinationFilePath.Length -1,1) -eq '\') {
    $DestinationFilePath = $DestinationFilePath + $FQDN + '.csr'
} else {
    $DestinationFilePath = $DestinationFilePath + '\' + $FQDN + '.csr'
#endregion checking_parameters
#region program_main
    If a comma occurs in an aliases value, 'split' will convert the string
    to an array. Building a valid extensions section requires a loop.
    In case only one value is specified as an alias value, the script will embed it into the required information.
    [System.Environment]::NewLine ensures one alias per line.
if ($Aliases -match ',') {
    $tmpAliases = $Aliases -split ','
    foreach($itmAlias in $tmpAliases) {
        $dnsAliases += '_continue_ = "DNS=' + $itmAlias + '&"' + [System.Environment]::NewLine
} else {
    $dnsAliases = '_continue_ = "DNS=' + $Aliases + '&"' + [System.Environment]::NewLine
$certificateINF = @"
Signature= '`$Windows NT$'
Subject = "CN=${FQDN}"
KeySpec = 1
KeyLength = ${KeyLength}
Exportable = ${Exportable}
MachineKeySet = TRUE
ProviderName = ${EncryptionAlgorithm}
RequestType = PKCS10
KeyUsage = 0xa0
[Extensions] = "{text}"
_continue_ = "DNS=${FQDN}&"
[System.IO.Path]::GetTmpFileName() creates a temporary file to store the information of the
certificateINF variable. The operating system will automatically drop it.
$tmpFile        = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$certificateINF | Out-File $tmpFile
& certreq.exe -new $tmpFile $DestinationFilePath
#endregion program_main

Il suffit de copier le contenu ci-dessus et de le sauver sous New-CertReqWithAlias.ps1.

Cette requête DOIT être exécutée sur la machine qui sera la destination du certificat, car la clé privée est stockée dans le hive HKLM (local machine).

Si vous vous être trompé, installez le certificat reçu sur la machine où il a été demandé (où le script ci-dessus a été exécuté), puis exportez-le avec la clé privée avec la MMC "Certificats", puis réimportez-le sur la machine de destination.


.\New-CertReqWithAlias.ps1 -FQDN "d3.epfl.ch, O=Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL), L=Lausanne, S=Vaud, C=CH" -Aliases "d3dev.epfl.ch,d3tools.epfl.ch,d3toolsdev.epfl.ch,d3ver.epfl.ch,d3verdev.epfl.ch" -Exportable TRUE -DestinationFilePath .
(Attention de bien respecter la syntaxe : ne pas oubliers les points (.), les guillemets (") et de respecter la présence ou l'absence d'espaces !!!)

Sinon l'outil >> https://www.digicert.com/kb/util/csr-creation-microsoft-servers-using-digicert-utility.htm

Cela génèrera un fichier .csr dont il suffira de transmettre le contenu à https://rauth.epfl.ch pour effectuer la demande...

Article N° 1395 du 08.02.2021 10:57:46 par Thierry Charles -- Permalink : http://windows.epfl.ch/?article=1395
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