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Cumulative Patch for Microsoft SQL Server (815495)

Le patch pour SQL2000 32 bits (MSDE/STD/ENTERPRISE) se trouve sur :



Title: Cumulative Patch for Microsoft SQL Server (815495)

Date: 23 July 2003


- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

- Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0

- Microsoft SQL Server 2000

- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000)

- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (Windows)

Impact: Run code of attacker's choice

Max Risk: Important

Bulletin: MS03-031

Microsoft encourages customers to review the Security Bulletins at:



Article N° 196 du 24.07.2003 14:19:01 par Thierry Charles -- Permalink : http://windows.epfl.ch/?article=196
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