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Labview - distribution automne 2008

Le DIT vous conseille pour vos acquisitions de données, LabVIEW...

ATTENTION: c'est seulement pour le site de l'EPFL, et NON pour l'extérieur...

Pour commander LabVIEW,connaître le chemin d'installation exact et le code de licence, veuillez utiliser le service Distrilog SVP.

Contenu de cette Distribution :

DISK #501448E-01 :
NI LabVIEW Core Software English
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- LabVIEW Professional Development System (PDS) for Windows 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW System Identification Tookit 4.0 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Digital Filter Design 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Modulation Toolkit 4.1 (ƒ)
- NI LabVIEW Signal Express 3.0 (ƒ)
- NI Circuit Design Suite Evaluation (Multisim - Ultiboard) 10.1 (ƒ)
- NI Vision Development Module 8.6 (ƒ)
- NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.6 (ƒ)
- NI Vision Acquisition Software 8.6 (ƒ)

DISK #501448E-02 :
NI LabVIEW Core Software Japanese
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution on request only.
Localized version of disk #501448E-01

DISK #501448E-03 :
NI LabVIEW Core Software German
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution on request only.
Localized version of disk #501448E-01

DISK #501448E-04 :
NI LabVIEW Core Software French
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution on request only.
Localized version of disk #501448E-01

DISK #501448E-05 :
NI LabVIEW Core Software Korean
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution on request only.
Localized version of disk #501448E-01

DISK #501448E-06 :
NI LabVIEW Core Software Simplified Chinese
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution on request only.
Localized version of disk #501448E-01

DISK #501448D-07 :
Control and Embedded System Option Components
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
Must install LabVIEW core software first!
- LabVIEW FGPA Module 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW RealTime Module (ETS) 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Execution Trace Toolkit 2.0.1 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit 5.0 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Embedded module for ADI Blackfin processors 8.6 (ƒ)
- MATRIXx 8.1.1  (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Statechard module 1.0.2 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Math Interface Toolkit 1.0.2 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory control module 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Mobile Module 8.6 (ƒ)
- NI-DAQmx Base 3.2 (ƒ)
- NI SoftMotion Development Module 2.2 (ƒ)
- NI Motion Assistant 2.3 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW PID Control Toolkit 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Adaptive Filter Toolkit (ƒ)
DISK #501448E-08 :
Signal Processing and Communication Option Components
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
Must install LabVIEW core software first!
- LabVIEW DSP Module 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW FGPA Module 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Spectral Measurement Toolkit 2.4 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing toolkit 8.6 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite 6.0 (ƒ)

DISK #501448E-09 :
Extended Development Suite components
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- LabWindows CVI Full Development System 9.0 (ƒ)
- LabWindows CVI RealTime module 9.0 (ƒ)
- LabWindows CVI SQL Toolkit 2.1 (ƒ)
- LabWindows CVI Signal Processing Toolkit 7.0.1 (ƒ)
- LabWindows CVI PID Control Toolkit 2.1 (ƒ)
- LabWindows CVI Spectral Measurement Toolkit 2.4 (ƒ)
- Measurement Studio Enterprise Edition 8.6 (ƒ)
- Measurement Studio Enterprise Edition for MS Visual Studio 6 : 8.1.2 (ƒ)
- Measurement Studio PID Control Toolkit 1.0 (ƒ)
- Measurement Studio Automation Symbols Toolkit 1.0 (ƒ)
- DIAdem Professional 11.0 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit 1.1.1 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.2 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit 1.0.2 (ƒ)
- LabVIEW Report Generation for Microsoft Office Toolkit 1.1.3 (ƒ)

DISK #501448E-10 : LabVIEW Professional Development System (PDS)
Mac OS X 10.3 or later
Distribution server : CYCLOPE

DISK #501448E-11 : LabVIEW Professional Development System (PDS)
Distribution server : LINUXLINE

DISK #500396E-01: LabVIEW Basics 1
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- CD Based Training 

DISK #500802D-01: LabVIEW Basics 2
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- CD Based Training 
DISK #501701B-01: LabVIEW Device Drivers
Win2000/XP/Vista (Vista compatible when checked with a ƒ)
Distribution server : OLYMPE
- FieldPoint 6.0.3  (ƒ)
- IVI Compliance Package 3.3 (ƒ)
- NI-488.2 2.6 (ƒ)
- NI-CAN 2.6.1 (ƒ)
- NI-845x 1.1.2 (ƒ)
- NI-DAQmx 8.7.2 (ƒ)
- NI-DAQ Traditionnal (legacy) 7.4.4 (not for Vista !)
- NI-DCPower 1.2.2 (ƒ)
- NI-DMM 2.9 (ƒ)
- NI-DNET 1.6.2 (ƒ)
- NI-FGEN 2.5.2 (ƒ)
- NI-HSDIO 1.5.4 (ƒ)
- NI-IMAQ 4.1 (ƒ)
- NI-IMAQ I/O 2.2 (ƒ)
- NI-IMAQdx 3.2 (ƒ)
- NI Instrument I/O Assistant 2.4 (ƒ)
- NI LabVIEW SignalExpress 3.0 (ƒ)
- NI-Motion 7.7 (ƒ)
- NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.5 (ƒ)
- NI PXI Platform Services 2.4.1 (ƒ)
- NI-RFSA 2.0.8 (ƒ)
- NI-RFSG 1.3.2 (ƒ)
- NI-RIO 3.0.0 (ƒ)
- NI-Scope 3.4.1 (ƒ)
- CompactRIO 3.0.1 (ƒ)
- NI-Serial 3.3 (ƒ)
- NI-SWITCH 3.7.2 (ƒ)
- NI-Visa 4.4.1 (ƒ)
DISK #501668A-01 : LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module 8.6
Linux and Mac OSX
Distribution server : LINUXLINE and CYCLOPE
DISK #501704A-01: MSDN Library Documentation
For LabWindows/CVI
Support for this product provided by National Intrument (not Microsoft!)
Distribution server : OLYMPE


Il faudra faire un 'map network drive' pour pouvoir installer correctement Lab View, c'est à dire qu'il faudra assigner une lettre d'un disque sur le path donné dans Distrilog...

Article N° 284 du 13.01.2009 15:26:35 par Thierry Charles -- Permalink : http://windows.epfl.ch/?article=284
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