OBJECT:  DataControl


The DataControl object allows the Recordset object to be bound to an HTML tag so that the data can be displayed on a web page.


Connect Property
Sets or returns a string value that is the ADO connection string name.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. Connect

ExecuteOptions Property
Sets or returns whether an asynchronous execution is enabled. An asynchronous execution allows control to go back immediately to the calling program.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. ExecuteOptions

FetchOptions Property
Sets or returns an adcFetchOptionEnum value that indicates the type of the asynchronous fetching.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. FetchOptions

FilterColumn Property
Specifies the column on which to evaluate the filter criteria. Does not activate the filter.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. FilterColumn

FilterCriterion Property
Sets the filter criteria. Does not activate the filter.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. FilterCriterion

FilterValue Property
Sets the value of the filter. Does not activate the filter.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. FilterValue

Handler Property     Not available in version 2.5
Allows the use of a custom server-side security handler.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. Handler

InternetTimeout Property
Sets or returns a long value that is the number of milliseconds to wait before a request is timed out because there is no activity.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. InternetTimeout

ReadyState Property
Sets or returns an adcReadStateEnum value that defines the progress status as a DataControl object retrieves data into a Recordset object.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. ReadyState

Recordset Property
Returns the Recordset object underlying the DataControl object.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. Recordset

Server Property
Sets or returns the server protocol which can be an HTTP URL, an HTTPS URL, the machine name, or the empty string "" to signify local in-process use.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. Server

SortColumn Property
Sets or returns the column on which to perform a sort.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. SortColumn

SortDirection Property
Sets or returns a Boolean value that defines the direction of the sort.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. SortDirection

SourceRecordset Property
Sets the Recordset object underlying the DataControl object.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. SourceRecordset

SQL Property
Sets or returns the SQL query string.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. SQL

URL Property
Sets or returns a relative or absolute URL.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. URL


Cancel Method
Cancels the asynchronous fetching of data.

Syntax: datacontrolobject.Cancel

CancelUpdate Method
Cancels a new row or all changes to the current row.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. CancelUpdate

CreateRecordset Method
Creates and returns an empty (unpopulated) and disconnected Recordset object.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. CancelUpdate (ColumnInfos)

Refresh Method
Refreshes the data from the data source, discards any unsaved changes, and positions the Recordset object at the first record.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. Refresh

Reset Method
Used to sort and filter data in a client-side Recordset object.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. Reset Filter

SubmitChanges Method
Sends all of the pending changes in the locally cached Recordset object down to the underlying data source.

Syntax: datacontrolobject. SubmitChanges


onError Event
This event can be fired to handle errors encountered by DataControl.

Syntax: onError (SCode, Description, Source, CancelDisplay)

onReadyStateChange Event
This event can be fired when the value of the ReadyState property changes. This is a convenient way to check on the progress of a Recordset as it receives new data. This event has no parameters.

Syntax: onReadyStateChange

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