PROPERTY:  DataControl::ReadyState

adcReadStateEnum = datacontrolobject.ReadyState

The ReadyState property returns one of the adcReadyStateEnum constants that indicates the current status of retrieving data from the data source and placing that data into the Recordset object associated with the DataControl object.

You can use the onReadyStateChange event to monitor the progress of the data retrieval.

adcReadyStateEnum Constants

Constant Value Description
adcReadyStateComplete 4 All data has been retrieved and stored in the Recordset, or an error has aborted the query, or the Recordset is not initialized
adcReadyStateInteractive 3 Recordset is currently receiving data
adcReadyStateLoaded 2 The query is executing but no data has been fetched

If an error occurs during the execution of the query and the operation is aborted, adcReadyStateComplete will be returned by the ReadyState property.

Code (VBScript):
If objDataControl.ReadyState = adcReadyStateLoaded Then
   MsgBox "Currently Executing Query", vbOK
End If

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