EVENT:  DataControl::onReadyStateChange


The onReadyStateChange event can be fired when the value of the ReadyState property changes. This is a convenient way to monitor the progress of data retrieval without having to call the ReadyState property.

An event is simply a subroutine that can be called automatically after a specific operation has occurred. This subroutine can contain any code that you need to run when the event occurs. The subroutine will only be called if it is included in your code.

The ReadyState property returns one of the adcReadyStateEnum constants. Each indicates the current status of retrieving data from the data source and placing that data into the Recordset object associated with the DataControl object.

ReadyStateEnum Constants
Value Description
complete Object is completely loaded
interactive Object is still loading data but you can interact with it
loading Object is loading data
uninitialized Object is not initialized with data

Code (VBScript):
Private Sub objDC_onReadyStateChange( )
   ' place any code you desire here, for example
   Response.Write "Ready State = " & Me.ReadyState & "<br>"
End Sub

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