OBJECT:  ProcessingInstruction

The ProcessingInstruction object represents a processing instruction, which is used in XML as a way to include processor-specific information in the text of the document. A ProcessingInstruction consists of a target and content. The target is the first token following the tag, while the content is that text from the first non-white-space character after the target through the character immediately before the '?>' which terminates the instruction.

So, for example, consider the following, typical processing instruction for an XML document:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The code to extract and display the type, target and content of this ProcessingInstruction node might look something like this:

Code (JavaScript):
pi = xml_doc.firstChild;
document.write("<br>" + pi.target);
document.write("<br>" + pi.data);


A ProcessingInstruction is also a Node object, and so inherits various properties and methods from it. For details of the values returned by the nodeName, nodeType and nodeValue properties for a ProcessingInstruction, see the Node object.

denotes a Microsoft extension to the W3C DOM.


attributes Property
This is a read-only property that returns an NamedNodeMap for nodes that can have attributes.

Syntax: Node.attributes

baseName Property
This is a read-only property that returns the base name for a node.

Syntax: Node.baseName

childNodes Property
This is a read-only property containing a node list of all children for those elements that can have them.

Syntax: Node.childNodes

data Property
This is a read-only property that returns the 'content' of a ProcessingInstruction.

Syntax: ProcessingInstruction.data

dataType Property
This is a read-only property that specifies the data type for the node.

Syntax: Node.dataType

definition Property
This property returns the definition of the node in the DTD or schema.

Syntax: Node.definition

firstChild Property
This is a read-only property that returns the first child node of a node. If there is none, it returns null.

Syntax: Node.firstChild

lastChild Property
This is a read-only property that returns the last child node of a node. If there is none, it returns null.

Syntax: Node.lastChild

namespaceURI Property
This property is read-only and returns the URI (Universal Resource Indentifier) of the namespace.

Syntax: Node.namespaceURI

nextSibling Property
This property returns the next node in the parent's child list, or null if there is none or the node is of a type that cannot be a child node (Attr, Document, DocumentFragment).

Syntax: Node.nextSibling

nodeName Property
This property is read-only and contains the name of the node, depending on type.

Syntax: Node.nodeName

nodeType Property
This is a read-only property specifying the type of the node.

Syntax: Node.nodeType

nodeTypedValue Property
This property contains the value of this node expressed in its defined data type.

Syntax: Node.nodeTypedValue

nodeTypeString Property
This property is read-only and returns the node type in string form.

Syntax: Node.nodeTypeString

nodeValue Property
This property contains the value of the node, depending on type.

Syntax: Node.nodeValue

ownerDocument Property
This property returns the Document object to which the node belongs. If the node itself is a document, then it returns null.

Syntax: Node.ownerDocument

parentNode Property
This is a read-only property that returns the parent node of all nodes except Document, DocumentFragment and Attr, which cannot have parent nodes.

Syntax: Node.parentNode

parsed Property
This property returns a boolean value of true if this node and all of its descendants have been parsed and instantiated. Otherwise it returns false.

Syntax: Node.parsed

prefix Property
This property is read-only and returns the namespace prefix, or an empty string if none is specified. For example, it would return 'xxx' for the element <xxx:yyy>.

Syntax: Node.prefix

previousSibling Property
This property returns the previous node in the parent's child list, or null if there is none or the node is of a type that cannot be a child node (Attr, Document, DocumentFragment).

Syntax: Node.previousSibling

specified Property
This property returns a boolean value indicating whether this node (usually an attribute) is explicitly specified or derived from a default value in the DTD or schema.

Syntax: Node.specified

target Property
This is a read-only property that returns the 'target' of a ProcessingInstruction.

Syntax: ProcessingInstruction.target

text Property
This property contains the text content of this node and its subtrees.

Syntax: Node.text

xml Property
This property contains the XML representation of this node and its descendants.

Syntax: Node.xml


appendChild Method
This method appends a new child node to the list of children for this node.

Syntax: Node.appendChild(tagName)

cloneNode Method
This method creates a clone node which is an exact replica of this node.

Syntax: Node.cloneNode(deep)

hasChildNodes Method
This method is a convenient way to determine whether a node has child nodes, returning true if it has, and false if not.

Syntax: Node.hasChildNodes( )

insertBefore Method
This method is used to insert a new child node before an existing one. If no child node exists, the new child node becomes the first.

Syntax: Node.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)

removeChild Method
This method removes the specified node from the list of children and returns it.

Syntax: Node.removeChild(oldChild)

replaceChild Method
This method is used to replace one of a node's children with another. It returns the old child.

Syntax: Node.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild)

selectNodes Method
This method creates a NodeList of all the matching descendant nodes returned by the specified pattern-matching operation.

Syntax: Node.selectNodes(patternString)

selectSingleNode Method
This method returns a Node object for the first descendant node to match the specified pattern.

Syntax: Node.selectSingleNode(patternString)

transformNode Method
This method processes this node and its descendants using the specified XSL stylesheet, and returns the resulting transformation.

Syntax: Node.transformNode(stylesheet)

transformNodeToObject Method
This method processes this node and its descendants using the specified XSL stylesheet, and returns the resulting transformation in the specified object.

Syntax: Node.transformNodeToObject(stylesheet, outputObject)

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