This property is a Microsoft extension to the W3C DOM.
Object Attr
CDATASection CharacterData Comment
Document DocumentFragment DocumentType
Entity EntityReference Node Notation
ProcessingInstruction Text
The baseName property is a read-only property that returns
the base name for a node. Where this is a namespace qualified name,
only the right-hand part of it is returned, i.e. for an element such
as <dg:title> it would return 'title'.
This property always returns a non-empty string. In the following example
a file called 'CDs.xml' is loaded whose root node is a tag <CDs>.
The root element of an XML document is referred to by the documentElement
property, and the code uses this along with the baseName property
to get its base name and store it in a variable before writing it to
the page.
Code (VBScript):
Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False
Dim strBaseName
strBaseName = objXMLDoc.documentElement.baseName