This property is a Microsoft extension to the W3C DOM.
The preserveWhiteSpace property contains a boolean value of true if default
processing preserves white space, or false otherwise. By default it is false.
When preserveWhiteSpace is true, all white space is preserved, regardless of
any xml:space attibutes specified in the DTD; in fact it is equivalent to every element
having an attribute of xml:space="preserve".
When preserveWhiteSpace is false, it is the values of any xml:space
attributes alone that determine whether white space is preserved.
The xml property does not preserve white space exactly as in
the original document; the object model replaces white space with a single new-line character
in the returned representation. Similarly, the text property
returns a representation of the original text without leading and trailing spaces, and
replaces multiple, intervening white space characters with a single space character. Both of
these properties preserve white space when preserveWhiteSpace is set to true and
the element has an attribute of xml:space="preserve".