The substringData method returns a substring of this string
consisting of the specified range of characters. If the range goes beyond
the last character in the string, only those characters up to and including
the last are copied.
In the following example, the 'currencies.xml' file is loaded and a
substring created from the text of the last 'currency' element. The
substring starts with the fifth and ends with the last character of
the string (the 'count' parameter is slightly generous and goes beyond
the end of the string). The substring is then displayed.
Swiss Francs</currency>
German Deutsche Marks</currency>
United Kingdom Pounds</currency>
Japanese Yen</currency>
United States Dollars</currency>
Code (VBScript):
Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False
Set Elem = objXMLDoc.documentElement.lastChild
Set Text = Elem.firstChild
Substr = Text.substringData(4, 30)
United States Dollars