font : font-style &| font-variant &| font-weight &| font-size &| | / line-height &| font-family | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar
Compatibility:  IE4+  N4+
Version: Level 1/Expanded in Level 2
Inherited: Yes
The font property allows you to combine together in only one declaration any, or all of six individual CSS properties related to font. Each of these six individual properties is discussed on its own page.
In addition, effective with Level 2, the font property can also be used to declare six values that set system font settings.
font-style font-variant font-weight font-size / line-height font-family
For values, see the individual home pages.
caption Level 2
The caption value sets the font used by caption controls, such as buttons.
icon Level 2
The icon value sets the font used by icon labels.
menu Level 2
The menu value sets the font used in drop-down menu boxes.
message-box Level 2
The message-box value sets the font used in dialog boxes.
small-caption Level 2
The small-caption value sets the font used for small controls.
status-bar Level 2
The status-bar value sets the font used in the window status bars.
Note the forward slash before / line-height. It must appear and is used in association with the font size. The use of the / is demonstrated in the first five code examples.
p { font:  italic  small-caps  600  12pts/18pts  Courier; }
p { font:  italic  small-caps  600  12pts/150%  Courier; }
p { font:  italic  small-caps  600  12pts/1.5  Courier; }
p { font:  italic  small-caps  600  12pts/18pts  Courier; }
p { font:  /18pts  serif; }
p { font:  oblique  100  24pts; }

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