PROPERTY:  Recordset::ActiveConnection

Set recordsetobject.ActiveConnection = variant
Set variant = recordsetobject.ActiveConnection
recordsetobject.AbsoluteConnection = string
string = recordsetobject.AbsoluteConnection

The ActiveConnection property can be used to determine what Connection object is associated with the Recordset object. If the connection is closed, you can set or return a connection string that defines the connection. If the connection is open, you can set or return a variant that contains the Connection object associated with the Recordset. The default is a Null object reference. A client-side Recordset can only be set to a connection string or to Nothing.

Setting this property to Nothing will disconnect the Recordset from the database. Since the Recordset will still exist, the contents can be examined. Also, it can later be reconnected.

If you set this property to a valid connection string or to a valid Connection object, then the provider will create a new Connection object and open the connection.

The ActiveConnection property can inherit the value of the ActiveConnection parameter of the Open method. In a similar fashion, the ActiveConnection property of the Recordset inherits the value of the ActiveConnection property of the Command object if the Source property of the Recordset object is set to a valid Command object.

Code (VBScript):
Set objRecordset.ActiveConnection = objConnecion
objRecordset.ActiveConnection = strConnecion

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