METHOD: Parameter::AppendChunk

parameterobject.AppendChunk (Data)
The AppendChunk method is used to append binary or text data to a Parameter object. To use the AppendChunk method, the Attributes property of the specified Parameter object must be set to adParamLong.
The first time that you call AppendChunk, the data is not appended, but rather, it overwrites any existing data in the Parameter object. The second time that you call AppendChunk, the data is appended to the existing data. All subsequent calls will also append the data.
You can use this method to pass large amounts of data into a Parameter object in reasonable sized chunks.
The Data parameter is a variant that is the binary or text data that you want to add to the Parameter object.
Code (VBScript):
objCommand.Parameters(strName).AppendChunk varChunk

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