Constant |
Value |
Description |
adFieldAlreadyExists |
26 |
Specified field already exists |
adFieldBadStatus |
12 |
Invalid Status value |
adFieldCannotComplete |
20 |
Server could not complete operation |
adFieldCannotDeleteSource |
23 |
Tree or subtree was moved but cannot delete source |
adFieldCantConvertValue |
2 |
Field cannot be retrieved or stored without data loss |
adFieldCantCreate |
7 |
Field cannot be added because exceeded provider limitations |
adFieldFieldDataOverflow |
6 |
Data overflowed data type |
adFieldDefault |
13 |
Default value was used |
adFieldDoesNotExist |
16 |
Specified field does not exist |
adFieldIgnore |
15 |
No data value was set by provider |
adFieldIntegrityViolation |
10 |
Calculated or derived field cannot be modified |
adFieldInvalidURL |
17 |
URL contains invalid characters |
adFieldIsNull |
3 |
Null value returned by provider |
adFieldOK |
0 |
Field was successfully changed |
adFieldOutOfSpace |
22 |
Not enough storage space |
adFieldPendingChange |
0x40000 |
Field has been deleted then re-added |
adFieldPendingDelete |
0x20000 |
Field will be deleted when Update is called |
adFieldPendingInsert |
0x10000 |
Field will be inserted when Update is called |
adFieldPendingUnknown |
0x80000 |
Unknown operation set Status |
adFieldPendingUnknownDelete |
0x100000 |
Unknown operation set Status and field will be deleted when Update is called |
adFieldPermissionDenied |
9 |
Field is read-only and cannot be changed |
adFieldReadOnly |
24 |
Field is defined by data source as read-only |
adFieldResourcesExists |
19 |
Already exists and cannot overwrite |
adFieldResourcesLocked |
18 |
Data source is currently locked |
adFieldResourcesOutOfScope |
25 |
Destination URL is out of scope |
adFieldSchemaViolation |
11 |
Data source schema contraints have been violated |
adFieldSignMismatch |
5 |
ADO field value is unsigned and provider data value was signed |
adFieldTruncated |
4 |
Variable-length data was truncated |
adFieldUnavailable |
8 |
Cannot determine value from data source |
adFieldVolumeNotFound |
21 |
Provider cannot find storage volume specified by URL |