PROPERTY:  Error::Source

long = errorobject.Source
The Source property returns a string value that is the name of the object or application that generated the error. Remember that errors can be generated by both ADO and the underlying data source (provider).
For ADO, the returned value will be of the format "ADO.objName" where objName is the name of the object that originated the error.
Code (VBScript):
For Each objError in objConnection
   ErrorInfo = "Description; " & objError.Description & VBCRLF &_
      "Help Context: " & objError.HelpContext & VBCRLF &_
      "Help File: " & objError.HelpFile & VBCRLF &_
      "Native Error: " & objError.NativeError & VBCRLF &_
      "Number: " & objError.Number & VBCRLF &_
      "Source: " & objError.Source & VBCRLF &_
      "SQL State: " & objError.SQLState & VBCRLF

   Response.Write ErrorInfo

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