OBJECT:  Connection


The ADO Connection object provides the means to obtain an open connection to a data source. Through this open connection, you can access and manipulate a database.

In order to query a database, you do not need to explicitly create a Connection object. A connection can be made by passing a connection string via a Command or Recordset object. However, such a connection is only good for that specific, single query. If you desire to access a data source multiple times, it is far more efficient to establish a connection using the Connection object.

In a similar vein, you can pass a query string using the Execute method of the Connection object. However, a Connection object query lacks the superior functionality of a Command object query.

Only the Connection and Recordset objects have events. Note that only the Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Visual J++ languages can handle these events. You cannot handle an event using the VBScript or JScript scripting languages.

Carl Prothman of Able Consulting, Inc. maintains a web site containing sample ADO connection strings for ODBC DSN, ODBC DSN-Less, OLE DB Provider, and MS Remote. The Guru highly recommends you visit this extremely useful site.

Attributes Property
Sets or returns a long value defining the characteristics of a Connection object.

Syntax: connectionobject. Attributes

CommandTimeout Property
Sets the number of seconds to wait while attempting an Execute method call before terminating the attempt and generating an error message.

Syntax: connectionobject. CommandTimeout

ConnectionString Property
Sets or returns a string value that contains the details used to create a connection to a data source.

Syntax: connectionobject. ConnectionString
ConnectionTimeout Property
Sets the number of seconds to wait while attempting to create a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error message.

Syntax: connectionobject. ConnectionTimeout

CursorLocation Property
Sets or returns a long value used to select between various cursor libraries accessible through the provider.

Syntax: connectionobject. CursorLocation

DefaultDatabase Property
Sets or returns a string value that is the default name of the database available from the provider for a Connection object.

Syntax: connectionobject. DefaultDatabase

IsolationLevel Property
Sets or returns the transaction isolation level (the IsolationLevelEnum value) of a Connection object.

Syntax: connectionobject. IsolationLevel

Mode Property
Sets or returns the provider access permission (the ConnectModeEnum value) for a Connection object.

Syntax: connectionobject. Mode

Provider Property
Sets or returns the string value that is the provider name.

Syntax: connectionobject. Provider

State Property
Returns a long value (the ObjectStateEnum value) describing if the connection is open or closed.

Syntax: connectionobject. State

Version Property
Returns a string value that is the ADO version number.

Syntax: connectionobject. Version


Errors Collection
A collection of Error objects that were generated by the failure of a connection operation.

Properties Collection
A collection of Property objects. Each Property object contains a provider-specific property.


BeginTrans Method
Begins a new transaction and returns a long value indicating the number of nested transactions.

Syntax: connectionobject. BeginTrans

Cancel Method
Cancels the execution of a pending Execute or Open call.

Syntax: connectionobject.Cancel

Close Method
Closes a connection.

Syntax: connectionobject.Close

CommitTrans Method
Saves any changes and ends the current transaction. It can also be set to automatically start a new transaction.

Syntax: connectionobject.CommitTrans

Execute Method
Executes the query, SQL statement, stored procedure, or provider-specific text.

Syntax: connectionobject.Execute (CommandText, RecordsAffected, Options)

Open Method
Opens a physical connection to a data source.

Syntax: connectionobject.Open (ConnectionString, UserID, Password, Options)

OpenSchema Method
Returns descriptive schema information from the provider about the data source.

Syntax: connectionobject.OpenSchema (QueryType, Criteria, SchemaID)

RollbackTrans Method
Cancels any changes that have occurred during the current transaction and then ends the transaction. It can also be set to automatically start a new transaction.

Syntax: connectionobject.RollbackTrans


BeginTransComplete Event
After a BeginTrans operation has finished executing, you can call this event to trigger other operations.

Syntax: BeginTransComplete (TransactionLevel, pError, pConnection)

CommitTransComplete Event
After a CommitTrans operation has finished executing, you can call this event to trigger other operations.

Syntax: CommitTransComplete (pError, adStatus, pConnection)

ConnectComplete Event
After a connection has started, you can call this event to provide information on the success of the connection.

Syntax: ConnectComplete (pError, adStatus, pConnection)

Disconnect Event
After a disconnection, you can call this event to provide information on the success of the disconnection.

Syntax: Disconnect Event (adStatus, pConnection)

ExecuteComplete Event
After a command has finished executing, you can call this event to provide information on the success of the command and the number of records affected.

Syntax: ExecuteComplete Event (RecordsAffected, pError, adStatus, pCommand, pRecordset, pConnection)

InfoMessage Event
This event is called if a warning occurs during a ConnectionEvent operation.

Syntax: InfoMessage (pError, adStatus, pConnection)

RollbackTransComplete Event
After a RollbackTrans operation has finished executing, you can call this event to trigger other operations.

Syntax: RollbackTransComplete (TransactionLevel, pError, MessageStatus, pConnection)

WillConnect Event
This event can be called before the connection starts. You can change any of the parameters and even cancel the connection.

Syntax: WillConnect (ConnectingString, UserID, Password, Options, adStatus, pConnection)

WillExecute Event
This event is called before a pending command is executed. It allows you to change the execution parameters.

Syntax: WillExecute Event (Source, CursorType, LockType, Options, adStatus, pCommand, pRecordset, pConnection)

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