METHOD:  Command::Execute

Syntax for non-row-returning:
commandobject.Execute RecordsAffected, Parameters, Options
Syntax for row-returning:
Set recordsetobject = commandobject.Execute (RecordsAffected, Parameters, Options)
The Execute method returns a reference to a Recordset object. You use this method to execute the query, SQL statement, or stored procedure contained in the CommandText property of the Command object. If it is a row-returning query, the results are stored in a new Recordset object. If it is not a row-returning query, the provider will return a closed Recordset object.
There are three optional parameters.
The optional RecordsAffected parameter is a long value returned by the provider that is the number of records affected by an action query. (For a row-returning query, you will need to use the RecordCount property of the Recordset object to get a count of how many records are in the object.)
The optional Parameters parameter is used to change, update, or insert new parameter values into the Parameters Collection assigned to the Command object.
The optional Options parameter defines how the provider should evaluate the CommandText parameter. It is a long value that is the sum of one or more of the CommandTypeEnum or ExecuteOptionEnum constants. The default is adCmdUnspecified or -1.
CommandTypeEnum Constants
Constant Value Description
adCmdFile 256 Evaluate as a previously persisted file
adCmdStoredProc 4 Evaluate as a stored procedure
adCmdTable 2 Have the provider generate a SQL query and return all rows from the specified table
adCmdTableDirect 512 Return all rows from the specified table
adCmdText 1 Evaluate as a textual definition
adCmdUnknown 8 The type of the CommandText parameter is unknown
adCmdUnspecified -1 Default, does not specify how to evaluate

ExecuteOptionEnum Constants
Constant Value Description
adAsyncExecute 0x10 Execute asynchronously
adAsyncFetch 0x20 Rows beyond the initial quantity specified should be fetched asynchronously
adAsyncFetchNonBlocking 0x40 Records are fetched asynchronously with no blocking of additional operations
adExecuteNoRecords 0x80 Does not return rows and must be combined with adCmdText or adCmdStoredProc
adOptionUnspecified -1 The CommandText parameter is unspecified

Code (VBScript):
Set objCommand.Text = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM GuruStaffList"
Set objCommand.Text = "GuruStaffList"
objCommand.Execute( , , adCmdTableDirect)

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