AT-RULES: @font-face

@font-face { descriptor: value; ...; };
Compatibility:  IE5+  N6+
Version: Level 2
The @font-face at-rule is used to comprehensively describe the font-face used in a document.
A list of one or more descriptor: value; components delineated (separated) by blank space are used to specify the font. You may choose from among a rather large number of such descriptor: value; components. This permits you to describe the font in detail.
A full explanation of the @font-face at-rule would be extremely lengthy and is beyond the scope of this Quick Reference. As a starting point, the Guru recommends that you refer to Chapter 15 of the W3C standard.
The syntax for an at-rule is an @ symbol, followed immediately by an unique identifier, which in turn is followed by the block which contains content that is applied on a document level. The block syntax is either:
  • all content contained between a pair of curly brackets,
  • or is all content contained between the unique identifier and a semi-colon.
There are five at-rules: @charset, @font-face, @import. @media, and @page.
@font-face { font-family: swiss721 };
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